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HomePosts tagged "semi-dedicated"

Archive for: April, 2017

4:14 pm

Exclusive offer! 80% off semi-dedicated servers!

We are happy to announce an exclusive 80% discount to our Semi-Dedicated Basic package. This reduces the price to just $5/month for 3 months. With iClickAndHost you can enjoy the performance of a VPS server combined with the simplicity of a standard web hosting account. Power up your traffic-hungry websites! Our Semi-Dedicated server packages use[continue...]

2:57 pm

Upgraded CPU quotas for all semi-dedicated hosting plans

Just recently, we announced a major upgrade to the OpenVZ VPS resource allocations, including a change to the CPU allocation algorithm, which enabled each VPS server to have a guaranteed number of cpu cores assigned to it.  Now we are happy to announce that our semi-dedicated hosting servers can use 100% of 1 or 2[continue...]