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Introducing support for Ghost – “the blogging platform of the future”

ghost logoWe have been receiving a lot of questions from customers and through the social channels about Ghost - the new blogging platform, named to be "the WordPress killer" and "the blogging platform of the future". The new blogging platform is gaining speed and popularity and people are talking about it a lot on the web. So it was time we implement it to our web hosting environment and to be able to provide support for it. So we are happy to announce that from now on you can deploy Ghost onto your web hosting account and our administrators are already trained to support it!

What is Ghost? 

Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript and distributed under the MIT License, designed to simplify the process of online publishing for individual bloggers as well as online publications. Created by John O’Nolan – designer, developer and former deputy head of the WordPress UX team it has a radical new blogging concept. It is original, elegant, simple, and made instant splash in both the WordPress community and the blogging community.

In it's initial shape Ghost was meant to be a simple fork of WordPress (in case you don't know, WordPress was born as a fork of another platform called b2). The initial aim of the creator was to create a sort of “back to basics” or “WordPress lite” blogging platform. He wanted to create a platform headed in the opposite direction WordPress has been headed for the last several years. That of a fully fledged CMS, and even more recently, a sort of a web OS.

Today the project is organised and run by a small, Non-Profit Organisation called the Ghost Foundation - but it is developed in public, by a large group of contributors all over the world who donate their time and skills to creating a blogging platform for everyone. 

What makes Ghost different than other blogging platforms

First - Ghost focuses on writing. Forget about the tons of nested menus and complex site tools, Ghost gives bloggers a spartan array of options. The everpresent main menu contains only four choices: view blog, browse posts, create a new post, and blog settings. It's simplistic and minimalistic interface wants to put the focus where it has to be - the content. 

A brilliant new way of editing. Ghost features an elegantly sparse editing view. When you go on to edit a post or create a new one, you are presented with a double pane window with markup on the left and a live, real­time preview on the right. Code markup and HTML can be typed into the left pane and the right pane automatically updates with the converted output in real­time. This works really well and allows you, as a blogger to focus on producing quality content, rather then on your coding skills and sparing you the distraction of jumping through menus and page previews, poping up in new windows or having to constantly refresh a page to see how your html code turned up.

The real usefulness of Ghost’s editing approach comes from the flexibility of the markup language. With the double pane feature you have the power and portability of markup with the ease of use of a WYSIWYG editor. It’s the best of both worlds.

Web hosting requirements for Ghost

Ghost has a few requirements, that most of the web hosting providers cannot meet. One of them is Node.JS. On our custom built cloud platform, Node.js is readily available with all web hosting packages. It is included for free with the Enterprise and the Corporate hosting packages, as well as with all Virtual Private Servers, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers, and is available as an add-on service with the Starter and the Business hosting packages.

So, we can proudly say that iClickAndHost meets all requirements for Ghost blogging and with iClickAndHost your new Ghost blog will be running fast and smooth and will be able to handle a lot of visitors!

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to install Ghost onto your web hosting account.  

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Introducing support for Ghost – “the blogging platform of the future”
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