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What is behind our 99.9% service availability guarantee. See what we do to guarantee high service and network uptime.

Service availability (or server uptime) is one of the key attributes of a reliable web hosting platform. This is why, the service availability guarantee is one of the main features of any web hosting plan and one of the most important factors which can tip the scales when choosing a web hosting provider. At iClickAndHost we are commited to provide you high quality web hosting services and we are very strict in maintaining high uptime for your websites.

How to interpret the service availability guarantee?

Service availability (or also known as service uptime) is a great way to measure how good a web hosting provider is at keeping their customers' systems up and running. This is why, every provider should be able to assess their platform’s potential for keeping the websites hosted on it available online and to publish the exact service availability that they are able to maintain.
Generally, service availability is measured in minutes and expressed as a percentage (%). Most of the quality web hosting solutions offered online include a 99.5% - 99.9% service availability guarantee.

Here is how to understand the ‘service availability’ or "service uptime" percentage offered by your provider:

· A 99% availability = if the service is unavailable 14.4 minutes/day, or 1.7 hours/week, or 7.2 hours/month, or 3.65 days/year
· A 99.5% availability = if the service is unavailable 7.2 minutes/day, or 0.84 hours/week, or 3.6 hours/month, or 1.83 days/year
· A 99.9% availability = if the service is unavailable 1.44 minutes/day, or 0.17 hours/week, or 0.72 hours/month, or 8.8 hours/year

How do we ensure a 99.9% service availability guarantee? 

On our web hosting platform, we guarantee a 99.9% availability for all services.
This means that we are able to guarantee that your websites will be up and running with no interruption for a minimum period of 364 days and 15.2 hours.
The remaining 8.8 hours are a buffer time gap left by our administrators for maintenance procedures aimed at eliminating any eventual server issues and at improving the servers’ overall performance.

What we do to meet the 99.9% service availability guarantee:

- We use only top-quality server hardware components, switches and routers that have proven to have very low amortization levels and failure rates;
- On each server we use an internal firewall so as to avoid over-traffic across the server channel caused by badly compiled scripts;
- We deploy redundant power supply units to help the network recover quickly in case of a power supply failure;
- MySQL, NFS (Network File System), and backups are executed over different networks in our racks. This way, we avail of 2-4 Gbits of bandwidth per server, instead of the 1 Gbit network connection quota assigned to a server by default. This helps us avoid any overload of the network channel that could lead to loss of data packets and hence downtime due to traffic overuse;
- To avoid peak memory usage during script execution, we set certain limits. For example, a client cannot execute more than 1000 processes at a time, since this might seriously disturb the server’s performance;
- We de-activate all outgoing connections to shield your sites from eventual hacker attacks. You can control that restriction from the Outgoing Connections section of the Hepsia Control Panel;
- In the Control Panel, we have integrated comprehensive CPU usage and system load stats that will help you track the performance of your sites and applications in real time and take timely measures to avoid any possible service disturbance;

The measures we have taken to stick to the 99.9% network availability guarantee:

The network availability is dependant on the capacity of the data center itself and we have ensured that our data center partners provide us with excellent network conditions, including:
- top-quality routers, witches and network cables;
- redundant uplink connections;
- well-proven, high-capacity UPS units;
- weekly backup generators tests;
- high levels of data center security, etc.

A 99.9% service/network uptime is guaranteed with all cloud hosting packages and semi-dedicated servers

With all of our cloud hosting plans and semi-dedicated servers, we are able to ensure an optimal service/network availability of 99.9%.
We take great care in monitoring our internal and external server network 24/7/365 to make sure that the uptime guarantee is observed and that the end-user services are being delivered as smoothly as possible.
A 99.9% network uptime is guaranteed with all VPSs and dedicated servers
VPS servers and dedicated servers differ from cloud hosting packages as they offer the end-user a much greater level of control over the web hosting environment. This is why, with these services, we are able to monitor and guarantee the network uptime only.
We have been very careful when selecting the data centers, and have chosen ones that offer perfect connectivity and which are equiped with top-quality networking devices with their performance being tested under different workload conditions and has proven to be fast and reliable.
We also use Gbit network cards to ensure super fast connectivity and a reliable Linux platform that will guarantee a stable performance for your resource-hungry projects and web sites.
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What is behind our 99.9% service availability guarantee. See what we do to guarantee high service and network uptime.
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